Saturday, November 29, 2014

Cleveland police who shot 12 year old boy provided him no first aid. That was administered almost 4 minutes later by an FBI agent.

Courtesy of WEWS-TV:  

Cleveland officials said Thursday officers waited close to four minutes to administer first aid after Tamir Rice, 12, was shot. 

Deputy Chief Ed Tomba said a detective and FBI agent who were in the area responded to the call for help and began giving medical help to Rice three minutes and 49 seconds after he was shot by rookie Cleveland patrol officer Timothy Loehmann. 

NewsChannel 5 Investigators asked Cleveland officials why the two officers involved in the shooting did not immediately administer first aid. Dan Williams, a spokesman for Mayor Frank Jackson, said all of the officers' actions are under investigation. 

We also asked why officials did not show reporters the video of how the officers reacted after the shooting. Williams said the officers only released the video because the family requested the footage be made public. 

I actually did not know this detail yesterday when I first posted this story.

The debate yesterday was fairly lively, with some people taking the officer's side and others feeling that the speed with which the police shot this young man left them no chance to evaluate whether he actually presented a danger or not.

Whatever your position I have to wonder if realizing that the officers did nothing to save this young man for four minutes has any effect on your point of view?


  1. Anonymous6:29 AM

    O/T apologies. Just wanted you to know Huffpo is now on board with sharing the real Sarah Palin. It is on their front page today as a featured article.

    Regarding this topic on the 12 year old boy being shot is it going to add fuel to an already out of control fire in Ferguson and other cities.

  2. angela6:50 AM

    There are always going to be assholes who support the cops
    WHENEVER---except when they shoot one of their family members.

    And that the cops didn't help this child. . . . .

    Ohio is becoming one of those crazy assed red states I used
    to laugh at. Sadly, I live in it.

  3. Anonymous7:29 AM

    When Michael Brown lay in the street for four hours, did anyone look at him to see if he needed first aid or if he might have still been alive?

    1. Anonymous7:43 PM

      No he had bullets in his head.

  4. Anonymous7:37 AM

    This is so hard to watch. I see a bored kid, hanging around a park, appeared he was waiting for someone. OK, he did kind of bother that pedestrian walking by, maybe.

    I see a kid, a normal kid, picking up snow, throwing it around, stepping on it, checking out the ground for stuff, doing what normal 12 year-olds would do. Nothing spectacular, and he was sitting down when police arrived. When he saw them arrive, it appears he got up to see what they wanted. They didn't even exit their vehicle and it appears he was down on the ground.

    Don't these vehicles have bullet-proof windows and such? Were these officers really in danger? They could have approached the 'suspect' differently be parking along the side of the road and waited to see what he'd do.

    I don't know how to judge this. I want to support the police, who do a great job in most circumstances, and there may be a few with itchy trigger fingers. Kids parents need to teach their kids NOT to bring toy guns anywhere in public places, especially these days, when so many shootings are occuring and white gun-carrying idiots are scaring everyone, walking into shopping areas while carrying, which is totally stupid. Police don't pull up to them and shoot first, ask questions later.

  5. Anonymous8:21 AM

    I have a 12 year old son. At 12, he is not a man. He is what is called a "tween" - in between a child and a teenager. He is still playful and childlike in many aspects.

    Tamir Rice could have been spoken to by those doofus officers. Even a raised voice would have scared Tamir but some trigger happy cops chose to shoot that kid instead. And then to not even assist him while he lay there bleeding - unbelievable!

    How can anyone say this was justified?

  6. Too many guns in our country. Too many shootings.
    Too many executions of humans who are "(fill in the blank) while Black."

    1. Anonymous3:59 PM

      What makes you think that this has anything to do with him being black? Maybe all cops should simply decline any call they get if the suspect is black, lest they actually have to engage the suspect and become auomatic racists right?

  7. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Just another black bullseye.

    Why no first aid?

    Plenty more where he came from.

  8. Anonymous10:07 AM

    It's Ohio. I am not surprised at all. I've been to Ohio and I have been treated better in sundown towns after dark in the deep south.

  9. "Whatever"10:54 AM

    I posted yesterday that it is easy to Monday Morning Quarterback these shootings.

    I'm not a cop, though I know several. Generally, I am pro-cop and willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, especially in tough situations where things can escalate in the blink of an eye.

    Anyone with a moment of sense knows it's not easy to be a cop and it's hard to say what we would do if we were the one in any given situation.

    Sometimes bad things happen and we all make mistakes. I didn't know yesterday that the shooter was a rookie cop. That could have explained some of the problem. Explained, not justified.

    But it seems to me that once you realized you had just shot a kid with a toy gun that you would do everything you could to "make things better."

    What was the experienced cop doing through all of this? Why did he fail to help the boy?

    Let's just say the rookie cop messed up, freaked out and shocked into a zombie state, fine, I can understand that (though why they would allow such a person out on patrol is a wonder).

    What is the senior cop's excuse for not helping the boy?

    The "rookie cop" excuse only works for a rookie cop.

    If this is how they react after realizing they needlessly shot a young boy, and from the photos there's no mistaking him as an adult, how do they react when dealing with adults?

    You have to wonder what they do to REAL criminals. And how they treat people they have in custody where there would be no witnesses and no cameras and thus no "accountability" except to themselves and their conscious.

    1. Sometimes bad things happen and we all make mistakes.

      Who the fuck are you?

      Did you extend the same courtesy to the Showdown at the Hoedown's participants or do you reserve said self-rationalizing equivocations for black bodies, having slithered over here from Breitbart to nauseate us with your tortured logic.

      ✴︎sigh✴︎ Where's GinaM when we need her?

  10. They needed that four minutes to get their story straight.

  11. Anita Winecooler5:16 PM

    This was a hard one to watch. My comment didn't make it through yesterday, problems in our area with the net. I have a police officer in my family, and in most cases I'm on the cop's side, but even he pointed out so much wrong with the killing of this child. and how the cops handled themselves.
    There should have been some attempt at communicating with the victim, the cops, technically, were told it may be a toy gun, and should have realized they "out gunned" the kid to begin with.
    If any shooting was warranted, a "shoot to wound" would have sufficed, it obviously didn't happen, that kid got shot before he even realized what was happening.
    I spoke with my BIL today, it takes approximately 3 to 4 minutes for someone to completely "bleed out" (bleed to death) without aid.
    Thinking of this enrages me and seeing his face in that photo breaks my heart, we're losing too many young black boys at the hands of those who swear to protect and serve.
    The cops need sensitivity training and a lot of counseling, we need to weed out the bad ones and this slaughter's got to stop.

  12. Anonymous5:45 PM

    After I defended the cops yesterday, Gryph, I too learned that the shooter was a rookie. That calls his maturity and his judgement even more into question, I agree. But if you see that as being more important than his suddenly finding himself facing someone with a weapon, then the question that has to be answered is, "How long does he have to be a cop before he's allowed to defend himself?"

    The time between exiting the car and shooting is also troublesome, but in the absence of evidence to the contrary, and given the way the car approached, it would not be necessary for him to have exited the car before he began telling Tamir to put the gun down. There is still a lot we don't know.

    I agree with "Whatever" above - the shock of shooting someone and then realizing that he had just shot a boy with a BB gun could have rendered the rookie useless to render aid, but the other cop had no such excuse. The failure to render aid is not just inexcusable, as I see it it constitutes willful negligence. I'm not concerned whether aid would have been medically efficacious or not, certainly the cops were not entitled to make that judgement. It is morally outrageous that they could have rendered aid and did not, and I understand how that fuels emotions and the trigger happy cop rhetoric. Right now I perceive a wide gap between the available facts and what many seem eager to believe. We'll see. In due time, we'll see. But let's let the facts tell the story instead of engaging in cherry-picking and ugly conjecture.

    1. In other words, "poor rookie cop is a victim of circumstances, the kid should have had a bag of Skittles and an Arizona Tea in his hands instead of a gun".

      You excuse-makers for trigger-happy cops who kill black shoppers and teens and pre-teens, you disgust me.


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