Monday, December 11, 2017

Victims of Donald Trump's sexual misconduct call for a Congressional investigation.

Courtesy of WaPo: 

As the country grapples with a national reckoning over sexual misconduct allegations against powerful men, three women who accused the most high-profile man in America again questioned Monday why their claims did nothing to stop him from winning the presidency. 

It was “heartbreaking” for women to go public with their claims against President Trump last year, only to see him ascend to the Oval Office, said Samantha Holvey, a former Miss USA contestant who in October 2016 said Trump inappropriately inspected pageant participants. 

“I put myself out there for the entire world, and nobody cared,” Holvey said Monday on NBC's “Megyn Kelly Today” show.

During the television appearance and a news conference, Holvey sat alongside Jessica Leeds, a New York woman who said Trump groped her on a plane, and Rachel Crooks, who said he kissed her on the lips at Trump Tower, to renew their allegations against the president. 

The women also called for Congress to investigate these allegations amid the dramatic shift happening nationwide in response to charges of sexual misconduct against men from Hollywood to Capitol Hill. Claims have erupted across industry after industry, against lawmakers and movie stars alike, as the country has shown a sudden, newfound willingness to take such accusations seriously.

In response to the pleas of these women Kristen Gillibrand called for Trump's resignation.
And she is not the only one calling for an investigation, or his immediate resignation.

Even his own Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, said these women deserve to be heard.

That apparently pissed off Donald Trump according to the AP:

Haley’s comments infuriated the president, according to two people who are familiar with his views but who spoke on condition of anonymity because they aren’t authorized to speak publicly about private conversations. Trump has grown increasingly angry in recent days that the accusations against him have resurfaced, telling associates that the charges are false and drawing parallels to the accusations facing Republican Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore. 

Poor baby. 

Today Sarah Huckabee Sanders' attempts to change the subject seemed especially strained and ineffective.
Things even got a little testy.
Let's face it, as this #MeToo revolution continues moving forward the fact that Donald Trump, a man accused by at least 16 women of sexually abusing or harassing them, remains in the White House becomes more and more conspicuous.

At some point soon it may simply be impossible for him to continue in that job as more and more people demand an investigation, or that he simply be removed from office.


  1. Anonymous4:10 PM

    If Roy Moore is elected it may be a short term victory for Trump but hopefully it will be a death knell for the Republican party.

    1. Anonymous6:43 PM

      Right, one more crooked Republican Senator is the death-knell for the GOP? Seems to me like a big old win for them, one more GOP Senator in their already majority.

    2. Sorry, but no.

      If Moore wins and is removed all of the alt-right, supremacist, nationalist, red neck Klanners will scream bloody murder, conspiracy, fake news, that their voting rights have been taken away, Kenya, e-mails! and all sorts of other Inforwars shit.

      If Moore loses they'll do the same.

      Either way they'll go ape-shit unless he wins and is seated.

    3. Anonymous4:57 AM

      Let them go ape shit. Inbred,crazy mf's.

  2. Anonymous4:25 PM

    It would be poetic justice if he is removed because of these women,but I am not holding my breathe,it has gotten away with crimes his whole life.
    Maybe if they have a few women come out every few days,it will push him over the edge.

  3. Anonymous4:54 PM

    If Trump goes down, so will Huckabee's daughter that lies through her teeth at every press conference. She could very well end up in the slammer too.

    It's not going to be a pretty ending for her! She'll realize sometime soon that being Trump's mouthpiece (and staunch supporter) wasn't worth a damn penny!

  4. Anonymous5:09 PM

    "“We decided that we were going to bring Millie to Alabama, after everything that’s happened in this Alabama Senate race up until this point,” America First Project’s Jennifer Lawrence said in the video, adding that the group wanted "to show there is a wide range of people who support Roy Moore.""12yearolds can not vote!

    1. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Shouldn't her parents be charged with child endangerment?

  5. Anonymous5:13 PM

    "Dozens of Republican Senators and members of Congress profess to believe that some such analysis is out there somewhere, and that it justifies their decision to ignore Joint Committee on Taxation findings that the plan would, in fact, add somewhere between $1 and $1.5 TRILLION to the deficit." Treasury is basically saying that if you pay for a corporate tax cut by taking money away from the needy, your GDP will grow."<BULLFUCKING$HIT!

    1. Anonymous5:38 PM

      They use to call it Reagan economics,same scam different name.

  6. Anonymous5:26 PM

    WHy does Hucksterbee Sanders always look like the surly(rode hard/put back wet)barfly holding up the dark end of the bar @ 15 minutes before closng time?

    1. Anonymous5:41 PM

      She always looks confrontational to me,as though she thinks she can intimidate the press from asking those pesky questions.

    2. Anonymous6:45 PM

      She has kind of a Neanderthal look with deep-set eyes under very prominent brow bones and one wonky, wandering eye. She always sneers by curling her upper lip when making one of her nutso, attacking statements.

      Having said all that, her appearance wouldn't be an issue at all if it weren't for the fact that she's a conniving, lying, phony pimping for an old, decrepit sexual abuser and the far right Bible thumpers like her old man.

    3. Anonymous9:28 PM

      It actually isn't a bad look for someone who has to face the press regularly, Why not? Have you seen what half the press people look like? It isn't a looks contest.

    4. Anonymous10:39 PM

      Yes, you are absolutely right. It isn't a beauty contest. It's a truth and morals contest and the Huckabee spawn is dead last in that contest when compared with most of the press (exception being the Fox and Friends crew and some of the other Fox talking heads).

    5. Anonymous3:13 AM

      Her mouth gyrations are distracting. It's almost like she has to wrassle lol with her body..fight it every step of the make i say the shit it does!

    6. Anonymous4:53 AM

      That would be cynical Wall eyed barfly.

  7. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Good read from Kuttner; ANd Kirsten isn't too bright. Won't be supporting her in any future elections.
    Diehard Democratic and female.

    1. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Democrats missed a huge opportunity to point to the ethics investigation of Franken, and insist that similar investigations be directed at Moore and Trump. Instead, Franken is seen as having admitted guilt, while Moore is still presumed innocent.
      In a few weeks, Moore could be seated in the senate, while Franken, a far more principled and noble man, will be gone. Bravo, Democrats.
      Some Democratic senator, preferably a woman, should have the decency to stand up in the Senate and say, “We really got this wrong. Instead of a rush to judgment, let’s have a full ethics investigation of Franken — and of Moore and Trump.”

    2. Excellent read. And goes to prove how STUPID Gillibrand, Perez and the rest of the lynch mob were to sacrifice Al Franken in the hopes it would change anything. STUPID STUPID STUPID.

      But then it is also entirely in character and even predictable. They always do this. And the outcome is always the same in that it never changes.

      Trump will not resign.

      Moore will not step down. Moore will win.

      NO REPUBLICAN WILL STEP DOWN. Not unless the media and public opinion are so against them they have no choice. Like Mr. Baby-Momma-for-Hire in Arizona. Video of you with underage boys and such would do it. But just the word of women? Many women? There aren't enough women in the United States to force a Republican to step down unless there is a wife behind him saying if you don't resign I am going to cut your balls off.

      Gillibrand just ruined her career. If she has her eyes on the White House she is going to have to do it without plenty of votes and mine will be one that is NOT cast for her.

      I won't be voting to re-elect Kamala Harris in California either. There is literally nothing she can do that would change my mind. If she has no respect for due process for Al Franken I have no reason to believe she would for anyone else. And if she doesn't, she had no business representing me in the Senate.

      Tom Perez= Disaster and TOLD YOU SO.

    3. Anonymous4:49 AM

      Tom Perez-Weak

  8. Anonymous5:31 PM

    'rump's Enabler$'

  9. Anonymous5:44 PM

    So true.

  10. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Few people in Minnesota are convinced he (Al Franken) should quit. Many here think it was a set up job. He deserves a fair hearing with the Senate Ethics Committee. Richard W. Painter‏

    "And the wishes of his constituents, those who voted him in office, should be paramount. They’ve been ignored in this entire scandal." Leon Pascucci

    (((Denise A Rubin)))‏ @DeniseARubin

    1. Wouldn't it be perfect if Al resigned, then ran again and won? Then he could simply say STFU my constituents have spoken and voted for me, just like that pedophile Molester Moore from Alabama.

  11. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Kristen Gillibrand can complain and call for his resignation. She doesn't believe Senator Franken is entitled to due process. She was behind Senator Franken losing an ethic's hearing. Why would Congress give these women an investigation?

    1. Anonymous9:52 PM

      Franken is an idiot. Gillibrand has no power over Trump. Talk about overplaying your hand. Trump will laugh in Gillibrand's face.

    2. Anonymous10:20 PM

      Franken is either a total wuss that buckled, or he knew more was coming down the pike. Not a good look either way.

    3. Anonymous3:18 AM

      Franken always seemed arrogant to me and my radar went off about him, like there was something not quite it did with Palin all those years ago. But Al held people accountable. I do wonder if more stuf was gonna come out. He can run again and if Moore gets elected today, so can Al again.
      At any rate, we are living an embarrassing shitshow.

  12. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Overnight Regulation: FCC, FTC unveil plan to police internet after net neutrality repeal

    1. Fuck them all. They won't do squat. OUR internet developed and paid for with TAX PAYER MONEY will now belong to the highest bidder.

      We are all screwed.

    2. Anonymous2:12 PM

      ""The Memorandum of Understanding will be a critical benefit for online consumers because it outlines the robust process by which the FCC and FTC will safeguard the public interest," FCC Chairman Ajit Pai said in a statement. "Instead of saddling the Internet with heavy-handed regulations, we will work together to take targeted action against BAD ACTOR$""

  13. Anonymous6:37 PM


  14. Anonymous6:41 PM

    The Congressional Republicans seem not at all concerned about any of Trump's many indiscretions, in fact, they are getting all of their dream legislation approved; Tax cut for the 1%, eradicating net neutrality, gutting healthcare for needy children, and soon, gutting Medicare and Social Security. Why would they want to rock the boat and vote for the articles of Impeachment when this guy is their dream POTUS?

    The only way Trump leaves is if he resigns and does anyone really believe that this narcissistic blowhard is going to leave the office that he coveted for so many decades?

    Face it, the voters didn't care, and they don't care, hell, Alabama GOP voters are going to elect Roy Moore tomorrow, they just.don'

    Only one woman actually brought suit and she dropped it, the rest is just he said/she said, he knows it, Congress knows it, the voters know it. None of them care and thus, it's going nowhere.

    1. I'm still hoping for that midnight coronary and a cold corpse found in the morning. A nice rigor mortise grimace of agony would be a nice touch.

      Then let his legacy be blackened when all of the seditious shit Mueller has found is revealed.

      I want Trump's name to be uttered as more vile than Benedict Arnold. Instead of "Your name is Mudd" I want "Your name is Trump" to signify the lowest insult and denote the vilest act of a traitor.

  15. Anonymous6:42 PM


    1. Everyone owns them. NRA, Big Oil, Big Pharma, Insurance companies, why should the ISPs have a chunk?

      They only people they don't answer to is the voters who are stupid enough to keep re-electing them.

  16. Anonymous6:44 PM

    The White House Sounds Pretty Spooked About All Those Donald Trump Sexual Harassment Allegations

  17. slipstream7:06 PM

    Sounds like Nikki Haley won't be the representative to the UN much longer. Instead she will be a guest at Guantanamo Bay.

  18. Anonymous7:10 PM

    WATCH: Fox Host Calls For A ‘Cleansing’ Of The FBI, And To Arrest Everyone Investigating Trump

  19. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Bet a nickel to a doughnut that no one put her hands on her except a wannabe husband after daddy's money.

  20. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Rachel Maddow Says What Others Won’t: Mike Pence Is In Really Big Trouble For The Russia Scandal

    ...Pence has a world of Russia problems that no one is talking about because everyone is focused on the Trump family, but Mike Pence was the head of the transition. The Vice President was right in the thick of these conversations. The Trump White House isn’t trying to protect Pence, which suggests that if the stuff hits the fan, and Trump has to throw Pence under the bus to save his own skin, he’ll do it in a heartbeat.

    Mike Pence isn’t a member of the Trump family, and this makes him the most vulnerable member of the Trump inner circle to being fed to Robert Mueller to save the Republican presidency.

    1. Trump isn't trying to protect anyone but Trump. The only reason he fired Sally Yates and James Comey was to protect himself and what they might find or reveal. He gave the orders. He oversaw everything. They were his decisions. Everyone acted on his commands.

      Pence? Trump won't protect Pence except to try to protect himself. That goes for everyone up to and including Junior and Kushner.

      He *might* protect Ivanka, but she's a little fish with nothing special to offer so I doubt Mueller will bother with her.

  21. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Roy Moore had hidden from public view until Monday night when he held a rally where his wife attacked Jews, and an old Vietnam buddy bragged about going to a brothel with Moore that had child prostitutes.

    First, the child prostitutes:

    Moore’s friend Bill Sailing told the story of how they were “tricked” into going to a brothel that had child prostitutes in Vietnam, “There were certainly pretty girls. And they were girls. They were young. Some were very young.”

    Sailing said that Moore was shocked by what he saw and said that they should leave, but seriously, the man is accused of child molestation, and THIS is the story that the campaign thought would be great to tell.

    1. That's going to play real well on top of his wanting to rescind all but the first 10 Constitutional amendments. (Because there are only 10 Commandments? Or maybe he's getting them confused in his dotage.)

  22. Anonymous9:09 PM

    ‘Serial misconduct and perversion’: Trump accusers describe incidents ‘a thousand times worse than what Franken has done’

  23. Anonymous9:45 PM

    The Republican party are riding this dying horse as far as they can. They are getting everything they have had wet dreams on for the last forty years.
    Unfortunately, their dreams come true are the same as Putins. And that is taking advantage of their country's citizens.
    But I guess if Roy Moore wins and these women are further discredited by Donald Trump the great denier than our country will deserve the corrupt men that will run it. There is no more dignity and integrity in our country. Just exploitation, and making the rich more rich. And the poor won't know what hit them till the last time is pried from their stupid pockets.

  24. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Read on Mother Jones that the Russians are pushing for Roy Moore to win by upping their propaganda. Typical.
    Not only does Roy Moore speak fluent Russian but they want him to win?
    Shit, I'd better learn some Russian. I guess Putin's plan is working, and the American people are for it by believing in Trump and Moore.

    1. Anonymous7:49 AM

      Oh, well if was on Mother Jones, that is definitely fact based lol.

    2. The old joke used to be that an optimist learned Russian and a pessimist learned Chinese.

      Not so funny any more.

  25. Anonymous6:13 AM

    By saying that the American people "knew" but still voted for Trump means that Little Lying Sarah knows the truth. All of his staff members are complicit in this whole mess.


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